I love interacting with babies and children! I have Certificate III in Children's Services. I've worked as a casual babysitter, p/t nanny, early childhood educator (age 0-6), & primary School Learning Support for 15+ years, learn-to-swim teacher (age 3+) and dance teacher (age 2-5, primary & adult) as well as raising my own 2 children who are now working. Qualities: reliable, honest, intelligent, common sense, kind, patient, great rapport; fun, love, learning and empowerment, balanced with clear choices/boundaries. Considerable experience working with children with special needs. Used visual aids (PECS, Makaton, Auslan signs), sign alphabet. I sing/sign a few songs. Tube feeding. Assessment/Behaviour Intervention training.
2016-now: P/t nanny, babysitting, mother’s help. Casual: childcare agency. 2023-25: Mentor in high school
2015: Casual: primary schools & childcare agency; babysitting.
2013-2014: F/t, children with additional needs in primary school.
2007-2012: Early Childhood Educator employed In long daycare centre