24 year old female carer
Currently Studying
- Enrolled Nursing
Mt Lawley North Metropolitan Tafe
Residency Status
Police Check
Looking for: Part-time, Casual Babysitting
Experienced Nanny!
My name is Meika, I am currently 24 years of age and working 2 part-time jobs, 4 days a week. I am currently studying part-time at TAFE in Enrolled Nursing and I complete my studies at the end of 2024.
I have been working as a nanny since August 2023 which I still work as, for a beautiful and funny 2 year old boy and very imaginative and creative 4 year old girl. I complete a wide range of house work and cooking for the family during the hours I am with the children. I also work as a housekeeper for a separate family once a week on a Tuesday for 4 hours.
In addition, I have a toddler/child car seat for when I take the 2 year old boy out during the day. I have previous experience living with my aunty and her 4 boys - 16, 14, 10, and 1 where I took care of them in their younger years up until their current ages. I am usually the one to 'go to' when required to take care of my younger cousins, even to the lengths of staying multiple days overnight in a row.
I have a love for the outdoors, laughter, cooking, reading, listening to music and podcasts, waking up early, movies, the gym, walks, a love for animals (anything I can cuddle up to!). I find cleaning quite therapeutic and love to have things organised so if you need assistance with help around the house I'm more than ok with that!
Before School
After School
From 6pm
0-12 months
1-2 years
2-3 years
3-5 years
5+ years
Non smoker
Driver's License
Has Car
COVID Vaccinated
Housework Cleaning
First Aid
Parent References
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